yesterday had steamboat on the last day of new year. Felt love by family. father took intentional effort to prepare steamboat for the family.. Muack! Everyone contibution in the steamboat. i am incharge of cutting the ingredients. My younger brother lay the food. my elder brother started the chacroal. my family still use traditional chacoal to cook because it taste much better.. the steamboat has being with us for about twenty years already. my family is sentimental for things. my mother in charge of shopping for food.. yea.. super enjoyed eating the food! thank god for my family...
this week, alot of stuggles for me..
for my npcc, my spirtual life and looking afer people...
i am being challenged on saturday to do more for god.. to have a wave effect and not just droplets effect..
i hate challenging in my life because i am fearful for things. nevertheless, god wants to use weak people.. god going be with me through this entire to make me strong. he want to purify my heart! god i want to desire u more and more. fill me with love!